WOAFM99 Radio Show with Oliver Sean
The WOAFM99 Radio Show & Podcast brings you the ‘Certified Indie Songs of the Week’ with MTV EMA Nominated, Multiple Billboard Top 10 Artist/Producer and former MTV Vj Oliver Sean. Including exclusive artist interviews, live music performances and everything you need to know about #realindependent music. Artists can now submit their exceptional music for Priority Consideration at www.woaentertainment.com/store

Friday Dec 22, 2017
Friday Dec 22, 2017
Part 5 of our Christmas Show has 11 exclsuively selected Christmas songs and we also have a special guest in the studio joining Oliver Sean for a one on one interview, Americana Artist from Chicago, Illinois - Rich Krueger , a Featured artist on the Independent No.1's Christmas Special Vol.3
Today's Playlist includes:
1. Avrim Topel - At 11PM before Christmas Day
2. Jaye Valentine - SIlent Night
3. Tony Watson - Have yourself a Merry Christmas
4. Rich Krueger - The Time Again
5. Buck69 - Merry Christmas Baby
6. Cristina Noor - Magical Ballerina
7. Buck Ellard - Christmas Dinner
8. Mick J Clark - Its Getting Near Christmas
9. Jocelyn Hauswirth - The Naughty List
10. Hughes - The Cross
11. Andrew Garcia - Jolly Old Saint Nicholas
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page for the new Season 12 starting January of 2018
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group

Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
Wednesday Dec 20, 2017
Part 4 of our Christmas Show has 11 exclsuively selected Christmas songs and we also have a special guest in the studio joining Oliver Sean for a one on one interview - none other than our Independent No.1's Christmas Special Featured Artist Riichard Simpson of Silent Stranger (Canada).
Today's Playlist includes:
1. Tony Clarke - Snow is Falling in New York
2. Sage Hill - Yeah its Christmas
3. Cody Joe Hodges - Tangled in the Christmas Lights
4. Silent Stranger - Guitar Beneath the Tree
5. Christmas Hearts Club Band - Merry Christmas Everyone
6. Jenny Van Alstyne - Silent Night (Acoustic)
7. Joe L Stanford - Holy Night
8. Novelty Pros - Best Chrstmas Ever
9. Jack Franklin Wise - The Little Child in Me
10 Zoe Jack - Let it be for Christmas
11. aren Benedetto - Behold the Night
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group

Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Wednesday Dec 13, 2017
Welcome to Part 3 of our Christmas Show! All through December the WOAFM99 Radio Show has been transformed into the No.1 place for the best christmas music every week. And this week our host, the MTV EMA Nominated Platinum Selling Artist and Producer, Oliver Sean brings us 13 of the best Indie Christmas tracks from around the world, selected for WOAFM99 listeners exclusively.
Today's Playlist:
1. Steven Mc Clintock - Christmas Needs Love to Be Christmas
2. KC Charlesworth - The Fairy Tale Christmas
3. Earnest Williams - I Wish Everyday Could Be Christmas
4. Star Dancer - Everything I Want For Christmas
5. Have A Hap Hap Happy Christmas - Uncle Carl
6. Cort Carpentar - The Christmas Song
7. Thorn & Roses - An Old Fashioned Christmas
8. Nigel Cuff - Santa Clause is a Criminal
9. Katie Garibaldi - Tomorrow is Christmas Morning
10. Kjetil Landsgard - Greensleeves
11. Reece Tally - Rejoice
12. Jennifer Stratton - Silent Night
13. Jamais Apres - Love, its Christmas Time
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group

Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
Wednesday Dec 06, 2017
THE CHRISTMAS SHOW - PART 2 on the WOAFM99 Radio Show. Featuring 10 breakthrough Indie artists with their versions of original and classic christmas songs! We also feature 3 artists from our brand new Independent No.1's Christmas Special, Vol.3 compilation.
Today's Playlist:
1. Mike Peacock - Christmas Smile
2. The Rich Collective - Season of Love
3. Blue Creative - Peppermint Mocha
4. Malcolm Lally - Christmas Time (Baby Are You Mine)
5. Julianne Ankley - Christmas In Your Heart
6. Heather Harvin - One Last Gift
7. Lazerkatz - Meet Me Neath The Mistletoe
8. Zoe Imperium - Hey Drummer Boy
9. Cold Beer & Broads - Get Me Home By Christmas
10. Darrin Jones - Come Back For Christmas
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group

Saturday Dec 02, 2017
Saturday Dec 02, 2017
HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!! Welcome to the premiere episode of the WOAFM99 Christmas Show. From today WOAFM99 becomes the No.1 Christmas Radio Station featuring the best christmas songs by breakthrough Indie Artists from around the world. Today we also celebrate the launch of the Independent No.1's Christmas Special Vol.3, the 3rd edition of the Christmas Special Album featuring great Indie artists and their renditons of classic and orginal chrstmas songs. Download or buy the CD at www.independentnumberones.com
Today's Playlist:
Silent Stranger - Guitar Beneath The Tree
Rich Krueger - That Time Again
Christine VanHoy - Night is Falling
Jason Masi - Christmas Time
Sara Beth - Grinch Please
Jennifer Woods - Too Early for Christmas Songs
Ava Kelley - I'm Scared of Christmas Songs
Danae - O ' Come
Michael Sheldon - Christmas (Please Come Home)
John Bentley - Santa's On His Way
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group

Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
Wednesday Nov 29, 2017
As we get set for our Christmas programming to start fron 1st December (this friday), here is the last regular programming episode of our weekly beakthrough bands selected by our Host & Producer MTV EMA Nominated, Platinum Selling Artist & Producer Oliver Sean.
Today's playlist includes:
Erin Bloomer - Right Love Wrong Time
Earnest Williams - Waitin For You
WTS feat. Sam East - Losing My Mind
Nagari - Karuna
PreacherMan - Witness
Lanaya - Magni
Dont forget to tune in this friday for our very first Christmas episode on the WOAFM99 Radio Show!
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group

Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Wednesday Nov 22, 2017
Its the Alternative Rock Episode on todays WOAFM99 Radio Show. Oliver Sean brings you this weeks Best Indie Breakthrough Bands! We are proud to have these diverse ranging alternative bands from around the world on our show today.
Today's Playlist:
Voice of Addiction - Rustbelt
Tankerays - Broken Toy
Jupiter in Velvet - Peace this thing together
Richard Thomas - Mr. Jesus
Mudsand - Miles & Miles
Chickahominy Vibe - Bitter
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group

Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
Wednesday Nov 15, 2017
On Episode 3 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show (Season 11), Oliver Sean brings you a direct split between country music and mainstream songs. We hope to bring fans of mainstream music over to the country side and country fans over to the mainstream side. To do this we feature 3 of our favourite country artists and 3 breakthrough bands from the Americana, Funk and Pop genres. Tell us if we succeded or created a bigger divide ;-)
Today's playlist:
1. Mark Meadows - Cigarette
2. William Ray & Alen Copeland - The Love I Found in You
3. Bob Birthisel - Farmers Daughter
4. Daddy WarBucks - America's Story (16 Days)
5. Mighty Doug Young - Start up the Love Machine
6. Deborah Crooks - Beauty Everywhere
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group

Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Wednesday Nov 08, 2017
Episode 2 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show (Season 11) featuring this weeks breakthorugh Indie artists from around the world. The WOAFM99 radio SHow is distrbuted for free to commecial national radio and hosted by MTV EMA Nominated Vh1 Top 10 Artist & Producer Oliver Sean
Today's Playlist:
1. Glenn Shayne Featuring Briana Tyson - Catch my Tears
2. Erin Bloomer - Right Love, Wrong Time
3. Jaye Valentine - This Night Only
4. Doxter S - Million
5. Ronald Simone - Win Win Win
6. Steve Parisien - Hello Friends
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group

Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Wednesday Nov 01, 2017
Welcome to the brand new Season 11 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show. This is the show where we bring you carefully selected Break Through Bands you OUGHT TO KNOW from around the world, making waves in the global indie music scene.
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is hosted by MTV EMA Nominated Vh1 Top 10 Artist & Producer Oliver Sean!
Today's playlist:
Leo Avorio - Badly Kept Secret
WTS feat. 'Timing is Everything' & Dominic King - Wont Let Go
Gladys Padron - Even If It Hurts
Pat Carr - Evil Evil
Purusa - Soundtrack
Tony Lee - Night in Tunisia
Artists who would like to submit their music for consideration for the WOAFM99 Radio Show can submit their music via www.woafm99.com or via the WOA Music Opprtunities Page
The WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced by WOA Films and Oliver Sean Productions for the WOA Entertainment Group