WOAFM99 Radio Show with Oliver Sean

The WOAFM99 Radio Show & Podcast brings you the ‘Certified Indie Songs of the Week’ with MTV EMA Nominated, Multiple Billboard Top 10 Artist/Producer and former MTV Vj Oliver Sean. Including exclusive artist interviews, live music performances and everything you need to know about #realindependent music. Artists can now submit their exceptional music for Priority Consideration at www.woaentertainment.com/store

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Thursday Aug 20, 2015

WOAFM99 Rado Show is the Indie Music Radio Show that features breakthrough multi genre Independent artists from around the world. The show is also now available online on iTunes, Podbean and PRX soon as the show goes live. Today's show features the following artists and songs:Unique feat. Brooklyn James - What is this World coming to.White Horses - Sail AwayMatt Williams - All Things are PossibleAbraham Weaver - Aint it AmazingAvenues - Messin AroundHarper and the Moths - ChemicalsThe WOAFM99 Radio Show is Hosted and Produced by MTV Europe Music Awards Nominated Musician/Filmmaker Oliver Sean www.oliversean.comBrought to you by the WOA Entertainment Groupwww.woaentertainment.co.uk

Thursday Aug 13, 2015

Episode 3 of the super cool WOAFM99 Radio Show featuring the worlds breakthrough Independent Musicians! Hosted by MTV Europe Music Awards Nominee & Vh1 Top10 Artist Oliver Sean.After a hiatus due to his Stripped Down Summer Tour with the Oliver Sean Band, Oliver is back in the studio curating the finest multi genre songs from the Indie Music Scene across the world.On Episode 3 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show (Season 6) we feature:1. Lee Williams - The Pit & The Pendulum 2. EVER-G - Poor People3. Immortal Projects feat. El da Sensei - Pass it off4. Lenka Lichtenberg - Dancing on the Titanic5. Dom Mar Kz - When its tough to be you6. Swirl - Time to FlyJoin us next week for breakthrough Indie artists that you OUGHT TO KNOW!!! And an unplugged jam by the Oliver Sean Band live in the Studio www.oliverseanband.comThe WOAFM99 Radio Show is produced and hosted by MTV EMA Nominee & Vh1 Top 10 Artist Oliver Sean www.oliversean.comExecutive Producers:W.O.A Entertainment www.woaentertainment.co.uk --Official Media Member 58th Grammy Awards

Sunday May 17, 2015

Episode 2 of the brand new WOAFM99 Radio Show with special guest CeciliaG joining us in the studio for a chat.Today's show features 4 International artists who performed at the 7th Annual WOA International Music Festival & India/Dubai Tour 2015, which took place in January.The playlist for Episode 2:1. Oliver Sean - Just Wanna Be2. Nagmah - Diacronia de un Delirio3. Cecilia G - Witch in Me4. Laura Ainsworth - Necessary Evil5. Charu Puri - Tools in my PocketThe WOAFM99 Radio Show is hosted by MTV Europe Music Awards Nominee & Vh1 Top 10 Artist Oliver Sean www.oliversean.comThe WOAFM99 Radio Show is available online on woafm99.com, iTunes, PRX and is a nationally syndicated radio show licensed for free to commercial radio to promote International Indie Artists across emerging markets like India and Dubai.A W.O.A Entertainment Production--www.woaentertainment.co.ukwww.woafm99.comwww.woatv.tvwww.goachilloutzone.comwww.independentnumberones.comwoafilms.com

Thursday May 07, 2015

Welcome to the brand new season of the WOAFM99 Radio Show. This is Season 6 and Episode 1.This radio show is produced and hosted by MTV EMA Nominee and WOA Records Founder Oliver Sean www.oliversean.com. This is the definitive show to discover the best of Independent Music and Artists breaking through to the mainstream. Today we also have the beautiful singer songwriter Victoria Celestine joining us in the studio for a chat.  The songs on todays playlist are:Cecilia G - Witch in Me (www.ceciliag.co.uk)Victoria Celestine - Let Go (www.victoriacelestine.com)Sarantos -  Childs Mind (www.melogia.com)Louis Colaiannia - Spring Break (www.louiscolaiannia.com)Lenka Lichtenberg - Open my Eyes (www.lenkalichtenberg.com)Learn more about the WOAFM99 Radio Show and all the artists we have featured and are scheduled to feature at www.woafm99.comThis is a WOA Entertainment Production. All rights reserved.www.woaentertainment.co.uk

Tuesday Dec 30, 2014

Episode 9 of the Brand New Season 5 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show www.woafm99.com. Our last show of 2014. We hope you have an amazing New Year! from all of at WOAFM99 and W.O.A Entertainment.  The WOAFM99 Radio Show is hosted by MTV Europe Music Awards Nominee & Vh1 Top 10 Musician & Filmmaker Oliver Sean www.oliversean.com 
Today's END OF THE YEAR Episode featuyres the following artists:
1. Practically Einstein - Massive in Japan www.practicallyeinstein.com 
2. Victoria Celestine - Good Heart to Hide www.victoriacelestine.com 
3. Cecilia G - When He Loves www.ceciliag.co.uk
4. EVER-G - Come On Home www.evergmuzik.com 
5. Eloah - Apostles Traitors & Messiahs www.cdbaby.com/cd/eloah 
6. Moscato - Why War www.reverbnation.com/moscatoblues/songs  
To know more about the artists and interact with the show and the artists join us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/woatv 
The WOAFM99 radio Show is also available as a featured podcast on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/woa-tv-radio-show-all-things/id669017370?mt=2 and log in/register at www.woafm99.com to be a VIP subscriber for FREE and be the first to hear the episodes even before they hit the radio stations and itunes.
This is a W.O.A Entertainment Production

Wednesday Dec 24, 2014

Episode 8 of the Brand New Season 5 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show www.woafm99.com. This is part 4 and the LAST of our Christmas Special episodes we've been releasing all through December. Today is a longer show as we have 10 brand new christmas songs by wonderful artists from all over the world. We hope you have a wonderful Christmas and MERRY CHRISTMAS from all of at WOAFM99 and W.O.A Entertainment.  The WOAFM99 Radio Show is hosted by MTV Europe Music Awards Nominee & Vh1 Top 10 Musician & Filmmaker Oliver Sean www.oliversean.com 
Today's Christmas Special Episode features 10 fantastic artists including:
1. Johnny Neel - Santa Clause is Lonely - www.johnnyneel.com    
2. Anxious Rabbit - Jingle Bells www.cdbaby.com/anxiousrabbit   
3. Elise Bellew - Greensleeves www.elisebellew.com
4. Vitne - Winter Love Song www.Vitne.net 
5. The Portraits - The Rest of Time www.theportraitsmusic.com 
6. The Pathfinders - Mary Did You Know www.heavensound.com 
7. Lauris Reiniks - So White www.laurisreiniks.com
8. One World Holiday - Christmas Around the World 
9. Heidi Schjetne - They Know its Christmas www.youtube.com/heidischjetne 
10. EVER-G - Good Mood Christmas evergmuzik.com
To know more about the artists and interact with the show and the artists join us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/woatv 
The WOAFM99 radio Show is also available as a featured podcast on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/woa-tv-radio-show-all-things/id669017370?mt=2 and log in/register at www.woafm99.com to be a VIP subscriber for FREE and be the first to hear the episodes even before they hit the radio stations and itunes.
This is a W.O.A Entertainment Production

Saturday Dec 20, 2014

Episode 7 of the Brand New Season 5 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show www.woafm99.com. This is part 3 of the Christmas Special episodes we are releasing all through December. Today is a longer show as we have 9 brand new christmas songs by wonderful artists from all over the world. We have one last christmas special episode releasing two days from today. The WOAFM99 Radio Show is hosted by MTV Europe Music Awards Nominee & Vh1 Top 10 Musician & Filmmaker Oliver Sean www.oliversean.com 
Today's Christmas Special Episode features 9 fantastic artists including:
1. Sharon Naso - Christmas Time www.sharonnaso.com 
2. Sarantos - Happiest Time of the Year www.melogia.com 
3. Jodi Holley Hudson - My Favorite Season www.reverbnation.com/jodiholleyhudson
4. Buck69 - Merry Christmas Baby www.buck69.net 
5. Eric Patton - North Pole Blues http://www.cdbaby.com/cd/ericpatton 
6. Jay Hitt - Any Other Way www.jayhitt.com 
7. Stanley Baird - Silent Night www.stanleybaird.com 
8. Please Come Home for Christmas - Oliver Sean www.oliversean.com 
9. Lloyd Dobler Effect (LDE) - Holiday Percussion Jam www.lloyddoblereffect.com 
To know more about the artists and interact with the show and the artists join us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/woatv 
The WOAFM99 radio Show is also available as a featured podcast on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/woa-tv-radio-show-all-things/id669017370?mt=2 and log in/register at www.woafm99.com to be a VIP subscriber for FREE and be the first to hear the episodes even before they hit the radio stations and itunes.
This is a W.O.A Entertainment Production

Thursday Dec 18, 2014

WOAFM99 CHRISTMAS SPECIAL PART TWO Episode 6 of the Brand New Season 5 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show www.woafm99.com. This is part 2 of the Christmas Special episodes we are releasing all through December. There will be a Christmas episode every other day until Christmas Day. The WOAFM99 Radio Show is hosted by MTV Europe Music Awards Nominee & Vh1 Top 10 Musician & Filmmaker Oliver Sean www.oliversean.com 
Today's Christmas Special Episode features 6 fantastic artists including:
1. Featured Artist* One World Holiday - Christmas Around The World. Now available on itunes @ https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/christmas-around-world-single/id938233760 
2. Endorphine Annie - www.endorphinannie.com
3. Shattervox - Home For Christmas www.shattervox.com
4. Anxious Rabbit - Rudolph T.R.N.R www.cdbaby.com/anxiousrabbit 
5. Cecilia G - Chocolate Santa www.ceciliag.co.uk
6. Featured Artist* Elise Bellew - Blue Christmas www.elisebellew.com 
To know more about the artists and interact with the show and the artists join us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/woatv 
The WOAFM99 radio Show is also available as a featured podcast on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/woa-tv-radio-show-all-things/id669017370?mt=2 and log in/register at www.woafm99.com to be a VIP subscriber for FREE and be the first to hear the episodes even before they hit the radio stations and itunes.
This is a W.O.A Entertainment Production

Thursday Dec 11, 2014

Episode 5 of the Brand New Season 5 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show www.woafm99.com and also the first part of the Christmas Special episodes we are releasing all through December. The WOAFM99 Radio Show is hosted by MTV Europe Music Awards Nominee & Vh1 Top 10 Musician & Filmmaker Oliver Sean www.oliversean.com 
This Christmas Special Episode features 6 fantastic artists with 4 of the artists giving us beautiful renditions of classic and original Christmas songs that you are going to LOVE! absolutely no doubt about. And we also have 2 Indie songs that just puts you in such a positive mood that we had to include them on the Christmas Special today, even though they are not Christmas specific songs - but Christmas is about being happy and positive and as far as we are concerned the best time of the year - so any song that makes us feel THAT gets included on the show for you to enjoy and DISCOVER ARTISTS YOU OUGHT TO KNOW! And after you become fans of these artists you DISCOVER every week on the WOAFM99 Radio Show don't forget that you found these GEMS on WOAFM99 :) 
Artists and their songs on today's show are:
Atonomic - Are You Up For It (facebook.com/atonomicmusic) Ever-G - Good Mood Christmas (evergmuzik.com)Hotel Radio - Our Summer (hotelradiomusic.com)Lauris Reiniks - So White (laurisreiniks.com)Elise Bellew - Winter Wonderland (elisebellew.com) Laurel Moore - Have Yourself A Merry Little  Christmas (moorethanart.com)Artist Drops on the Show Today:Alive WayMoscatoEloah
To know more about the artists and interact with the show and the artists join us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/woatv 
The WOAFM99 radio Show is also available as a featured podcast on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/woa-tv-radio-show-all-things/id669017370?mt=2 and log in/register at www.woafm99.com to be a VIP subscriber for FREE and be the first to hear the episodes even before they hit the radio stations and itunes.
This is a W.O.A Entertainment Production

Saturday Nov 29, 2014

Episode 4 of the Brand New Season 5 of the WOAFM99 Radio Show www.woafm99.com . Hosted by MTV Europe Music Awards Nominee & Vh1 Top 10 Musician & Filmmaker Oliver Sean www.oliversean.com An artist special today where we invite an Independent Artist into the studio for a chat while we play songs by various artists from around the world. Today the artist we are featuring as our guest is Ali Ashraf from Pakistan.  Today's radio playlist features 6 amazing artists. The Artists and their songs on today's show are:1. Sira Mayo - Trip To The Funk2. Lisa Marie / Little Big Box - Crash & Burn3. Ali Ashraf - Zara Sa4. Eloah - Apostles, Traitors and Messiahs5. Laurel Moore - Santa's Flown To Tampa6. Carlito Panama - Kiss Me Right Here GirlTo know more about the artists and interact with the show and the artists join us on facebook at http://www.facebook.com/woatv. The WOAFM99 radio Show is also available as a featured podcast on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/woa-tv-radio-show-all-things/id669017370?mt=2 and log in/register at www.woafm99.com to be a VIP subscriber for FREE and be the first to hear the episodes even before they hit the radio stations and iTunes.This is a W.O.A Entertainment Productionwww.woaentertainment.co.uk www.woafm99.comwww.woatv.tv www.woarecords.com www.woafilms.com 

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